070707, Part 3 – Bijan Bar & Restaurant @ Jalan Ceylon, KL

*continue from 070707, Part 2 – Storming Pudu ‘Wai Sik Kai’*

Sometimes, I really wondered if I’ve gained any weight while all these time in KL. Why? Because while mingle with the floggers, food never seem ceased to exist. Despite all the food the floggers had at Pudu ‘Wai Sik Kai’ (exclude the Sek Yuen dinner which took place before this), there’s always extra space in the stomach, specially reserved for… dessert, of course!

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Before I could finish my ais kacang, I’ve already hearing the floggers mentioning about dessert on the other side of the table. Discussions made and finally, most of us voted for Bijan instead of KTZ. Located at Bukit Ceylon, Bijan is a Malay themed restaurant.

We were actually mesmerised by the beautiful layout of the little restaurant, we can’t stop photographing it! One can actually have a very clear view of the Menara Kuala Lumpur (KL Tower) which serves as a backdrop for the restaurant.

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We were seated at the verandah, decorated with dim lantern-alike lamps, wooden furnitures plenty of greeneries and a small pond. How I wish that my house can be like this too! (Sorry, no photos of the surroundings as they turn out to be very dark).

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We were initially served with Durian Gelato. Oh my, totally love it at first scoop! (And that’s why I continued to ‘attack’ it after that! LOL)

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Next on the list, Bandung flavoured gelato which made the floggers go “Ummmmh…….”.

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Vanilla Coconut gelato with cendol. Ummmmmmhh….

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Next on the list was Pandan Caramel Pudding with Gula Melaka. With just a nice balance of sweetness, the gula melaka pair perfectly with the smooth texture of the pudding.

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The epic continues with a type of Malay cake (kuih), served along with coconut gelato and gula melaka. Drizzle the gula melaka on it, put it in your mouth and close your eyes. Ummmmmmhhh……

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And finally, the star that concludes the night. Which also fast became the arch enemy of JHP’s Durian Chocolate Cake…. the Durian Cheesecake with chocolate sponge base. Soft, melt in the mouth, not overly strong aroma, generous portion of durians…. what else to describe it? As Joe said, “I’m fighting the jam any day just for a slice.”

And that was another night filled with great company, great food and great laughter!

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Bijan Bar & Restaurant
No. 3, Jalan Ceylon,
50200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-2031 3575
Business Hours: Mon-Sat, 12pm-2:30pm & 6:30pm-10:30pm. Sunday, 4:30pm-10:30pm
For map, click here.

Other review:

25 thoughts on “070707, Part 3 – Bijan Bar & Restaurant @ Jalan Ceylon, KL

  1. i think i gained damn alot of weight ever since i know you guys also lar..hahahaha…

    actually its not much of a jam from office haha..

    i think the cendol had coconut ice cream? no?

  2. NKOTB: I guess most floggers are gluttons la… Kekeke!

    LotsOfCravings: Hahahah~~~ That is really coconut? I thought I tasted vanilla. But coconut do make sense… how come there’s no coconut in cendol, rite? Thanks for the correction!

  3. Jason, you are so blessed to be able to eat without putting on weight! I’ve never tried any durian flavoured dessert. Must be delish by the look and your descriptions!

  4. Durian cheesecake? Mmmmm…

    I know how I don’t put on any weight… I only read the flogger’s reviews without tasting any! 😆

  5. WMW: We should go again to have another “perfect ending”!

    Kenny: LOL.. you will end up thinking about it all the time. 😛

    CityGal: Don’t scold me lar… it’s our duty to report the truth mar. 😀

    Jian: Haha.. cannot, must come here for your internship. Then you can join our future foodcrawl with Durianberry.

    Big Boys Oven: Bijan is a lovely place. Do pay them a visit.

    Kay: Hi, welcome to Ipoh Mali. Even if there’s no space in your tummy, you still can’t resist to have a bite of them. 🙂

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